We are hiring now for the positions listed below.
When choosing a new job, it’s important to find a good fit—for both the company and the employee!
So we put time into getting to know you. This might include job assessment tools and more than one interview. This emphasizes our belief in collaboration: we are one team.
All positions are in Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga (PH).
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is a method of subcontracting various business-related operations to third-party vendors. Core Services employees work through a PH-based staff lease company called Shore 360, which facilitates the Core Services office and some office services in Clark.
More information about BPOs in general on Investopedia here.
Core Services is proud to offer a comprehensive and competitive benefits program for our employees. Regular employees are eligible for HMO, paid time off, and loyalty and other bonus incentives.
There are several avenues with which to communicate and coordinate workflows with your client team, including email, Microsoft Teams, and Box. Team members are encouraged to reach out to their client counterparts for clarification or feedback on tasks.
Core Services employees work a 40-hour week. Your day will be filled, but, unlike the experience and culture at many BPOs, we will not expect you to work exorbitant extra hours to get your assignments done. We strive to maintain a collaborative environment with flexibility and work/life balance.
You will work synchronously with Pacific Time standard working hours (8 am to 5 pm), so this means a night shift in PH. This will remain constant. Day shifts (PH time) are not currently offered.